Frequently Asked Questions

What is in a summary?

The point of OpenIcon summaries is to save investors time. Listening to conferences is time-consuming, but news articles based on conferences often lack insight. Since investors' strategies differ, there is no ideal summary. Often all an investor needs to know about a conference is that there were no surprises. Or that it is one of those times when follow-up research is needed, or that parts of the conference need to be listened to carefully. So we aim to have a top-line judgement of the conference; basic facts most investors would see as significant; company guidance; and significant answers to analyst questions. Generally you should be able to read one of our summaries in less than 5 minutes, covering a conference that typically lasts from 1 to 2 hours.

Our summaries are designed to be easily read by investors. For instance multiple questions on the same topic may be presented as a single Q&A. If appropriate an answer may be moved to another section so that it is connected to its context.

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